Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shannon Burke Barcelona

I almost wish there was a sequel to Vicky Chistina Barcelona about me- it'd be quite handy to have someone narrating everything that's happened thus far, preferably in a British accent. Quite!

I'm writing this from my bitsy twin bed that's adorned with a multicoloured bedspread (how did they know?!) and wishing the rain would let up so I can explore and try to beat back this awful jet-lag. I've definitely been lucky so far into this journey, and it still hasn't totally become real to me that I'm in Barcelona SPAIN. what?!

The beginning of the adventure out of Boston was painless, thanks to the lovely Mack who willfully took me to Logan airport where I managed to remain the composed, jetsetting woman that I am, until I grabbed my ridiculously packed bags and succumbed to a bit of sadness at leaving him, Boston, everything, stateside for 5 months.

Sadness shoved aside, I managed to get from Boston to JFK with no hassles, then spent some time getting wicked nervous over the flight to Barcelona. I must've looked at my pick-up info about 5,000 times. I was lucky that the flight was fairly empty as I got 2 whole seats to myself where I practiced contortionist postures and tried to sleep even though the person behind me had the worst in-flight gas EVER. Customs was a breeze, and I was picked up by this danish woman, Mette,who works for the program I'm starting on March 8th, and she took me and my junk to the flat where I'll be for the next 4 weeks. 

I'm staying high up in the hills above Barcelona, about a 20 min metro ride to the heart of it all. And the view is AMAZING. From my room I can glimpse the ocean, and there's a large balcony off of the living room that you can see the outline of Sagrada Familia in the distance, construction cranes and all! There are 2 other girls, one Spanish and one German, and I haven't met them yet- it's mid-afternoon and both don't get in til later. The one roommate I did met, Irene, has already impressed me with her patience for me butchering her native language in my fuzzy jetlagged state.  She's 26, from Barcelona, and speaks no English, but said she wants me to help her with English. I can already see this being great for me working on my Spanish, which is really reassuring.

I was unpacking my stuff a little while ago when she came to get me- she had made us lunch of chicken and salad, saying that we had to celebrate this special day of me arriving- how ridiculously sweet is that! She already let me in on the info that there are bici's everywhere- you can just rent a bike and ride it wherever, and then drop it off at another center, just like in Montreal! Going to check that out this week.

Spanish fun fact of the day: I just ran to the supermarket to get some food stuffs, and wished I had remembered what a ridiculous experience this can be here! Good thing I eat meat since there was about 67 different kinds of chorizo and ham, some awkward looking bread, tuna pizza ( in case I get cravings) and assorted weird Spanish brands that I forgot about. I also forgot that at this particular supermercado, you have to bring your own bags.. so I was carrying my 1 euro bottle of wine and my awkward looking bread down the street, classy! 

heading out soon to explore the rest of this neighborhood- thanks for all the good wishes, to anyone reading this, I truly have appreciated the outpouring of support I've received, and it makes it that much easier to get adjusted here!



  1. Hola Shannon!

    Your mom told me that you started a of course I must follow it!

    So, I was wondering, can you find any ham there?

    I think what you are doing is awesome...both the journey and the blog.

    So how is the Espanol en Barthelona? Little different than Sevilla?

    Mom also told me you have some great important.

    I will pass on the link to Tara, I am sure she will want to follow you too...

    Can't wait to keep up wiht your trip. Enjoy!

    Jon Orech

  2. I LOVE You!!!!!! I love your writing!!! You are such a strong, beautiful woman going forth to acquire the world. Blessings, babe.
    - Virginia

  3. yayayayayayaya life!!!!

  4. Bueno!Bueno!

    I am jealous, and will definitely live vicariuosly through your blog. Looking forward to the next one. Toss your hat up in the air for are a modern woman!

    Love and best wishes,


    PS - I am surprised you went to the supermercado before you went shopping for zapatos!
