Monday, March 15, 2010

Aqui viene la professora...

First day of teaching? Check! Awkward silences and teaching older men all about party invitations in a classroom that's about 900 degrees? Check!

Not entirely horrible, but very nervewracking nonetheless. I planned for about 10 students and only 3 ended up coming so it completely threw me off, and I got very nervous and ended up talking too much. They really seemed to like listening to the song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" and discuss who Judy, Johnny and the hostess are and why she was crying. Really funny!

I get to teach again tomorrow for 45 mins, and this time it'll be with an advanced class instead of intermediate, which is what I taught today. We get about 2 hours or so to plan, with help from the TEFL professors who really guide us through the themes and if we'll be teaching grammar or vocabulary for the day. I think this is just one of those things that gets a whole lot easier with time, I was just upset that I got nervous and sweaty and didn't correct them as much as I should. Ah well!

I made up for the first day of teaching by purchasing lots of chocolate digestive cookies at the COOLEST supermercado ever, Carrefour! Its basically like a huge, cheap Target but for food only. They even sell legs of ham, should you need any to gnaw on on the way home from work.

On to the next teaching adventure!


  1. Shannon,

    Check out the first vid. IS this the way you felt?
