Friday, March 5, 2010

La Sagrada Familia, at last!

On my way to a spanish dinner party with my roommates, Irene and Estelle(this should be interesting!) and this is basically the first time I've sat down all day. This morning I got a lot of things done, such as seeing the Sagrada Familia for the first time!! It was incredible- there are still so many construction cranes all around it, and I guess it's been under construction for years and years and there are still no plans to finish it anytime soon. The church is so fanciful, with little strange details everywhere, such as sparkly looking rocks on the top and little baskets of fruit etched into the walls. I need to go back to check out inside, the line was too long for me this morning. This was the first place I saw a bunch of tourists, although it's not really tourist season yet. I only heard one person speaking English, which was weird, I did a double take since all I hear everyday is Spanish now! ( everyday meaning the past 1.5 days since I've only been here that long, I seem to forget)
I also located my Citibank which took me about 45 minutes to find, and bought a spanish cell phone, or a "movil" as they're called here. It makes me feel much more at place, even though the phone weighs nothing and is about the size of my big toe- still, I can receive calls and texts now, yay! 
My arm is hurting me too, which is hardly surprising since I was in a particularly rigorous raquetball game with my roommate Irene last night. She asked me to play and since apparently the theme of this trip is, "why not?" I headed out with her to the free outdoor courts near our apartment. It was really fun, and I'm still so grateful for her taking the initiative to invite me to do things. Such as this dinner party coming up in a few minutes, with some of her friends. Let's hope I don't make ridiculous language mistakes, like when earlier I asked my roommate if she was going to a "soccer juice" instead of "soccer game", since the words are similar. Yikes!
Heading out, will post more another time. Adieu!

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