Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bowling and Burkes in Barcelona

World Cup mania has swept over the world, and I'm surprisingly digging it. Especially watching the Spain games in bars with chain smoking anxious Catalan men who take everything super personally. I've usually been a hater of sports in the past but got completely sucked into the Barca games here, and am really loving the FIFA fever. Go España!

I've been feeling slightly bipolar these past few days, wavering between intense excitement abut my impending travels in 2 weeks, and then switching over to feeling melancholy about leaving everything here. In some ways it will be easier to leave as almost everyone in my TEFL program has left, and those of us that are still here kind of do our own thing. I spent most of Thursday and Friday solo, which instead of making me feel sorry for myself and wanting to throw a pity party, it was surprisingly nice. I'm getting all this time to revisit things in Barcelona that I love, and to really take in the city these last few weeks. It helps a lot when I'm stressing over future grad school stuff and then I just walk outside my apartment and am assaulted by gorgeous blue skies and the promise of another beach day.

Last night I met up with Joe, a kid that we met in our hostal in Sevilla. He's traveling all around Spain and has a few days in BCN, so I showed him some local watering holes and we wandered over to check out the "magic fountain" which I'd heard so much about. It's basically a huge fountain in Plaza España near my apartment, that has Disney-ish music and changes colours and moves to the music. Cheesy? incredibly. Amazing? you bet. He's randomly going to be in Cinque Terre in Italy the same time that Sari and i will be there, so we'll run into each other again. It's very true that the backpackers' world is small as people tend to get on the same traveling routes. So excited to be part of that!

Today I'm heading to another Best Buddies event, like the one I helped out with a few weekends ago. And I didn't read the email correctly at first but just noticed.. we're going BOWLING! I love bowling! So American! So there's that to look forward to, and then I'll be meeting up with my mom and her friend MaryAnn tonight to roam around and eat a late dinner. Lots of good things today, I'm thankful. Also thankful for making the decision the other day to buy a huge thing of Nutella.

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