Friday, May 21, 2010

Aquacervezabeerfanta? Massaje?

The aforementioned title is the plethora of people who seem to have a radar that goes off as soon as you step foot on the beach, trying to sell you any number of gross drinks, coconut, or the endless ladies tapping you on the shoulder to offer you a massage. No, gracias!

Yesterday was an interesting day- one of the only days that I can remember when I had nothing concrete I had to do. I felt both guilty and elated to have the day to myself for the first time in a while, so I grabbed my spanish grammar notebook and headed to the Ciutadella park to lay and read and study spanish. It was exactly what I needed. I was able to stop worrying so much about finding more jobs, my future, blah blah and just revel in the moment. Really lovely park- a huge fountain, some outdoor cafes and loads of little places under trees where people were lounging and reading. I also had my daily cafe cortado at a cafe, which is a little ritual I've started doing as it forces me to slow down a bit, and lets me check out random neighborhood cafes! Sari came over later and then we watched Glee and made dinner, lovely.

Today was another beautiful day, and still is as it's still kind of early. I went to the beach today with my friends Jenny and Sari and weren't bothered by beach vendors as much, only about 5x every 6 minutes or so. It was GORGEOUS. Tonight we're going to the Born area of Barcelona which is near the Gothic section and has all these hidden tapas places, really excited!

Also trying to narrow down my choices between Simmons and Boston College for grad school. The decision is slowly getting easier as there's a possibility of having a graduate assistantship with BC in the Latin American/Spain study abroad programs which would ROCK. I'm just sick of not knowing, but I know I'll figure it out sooner or later. The hard part is trying to do this all across an ocean but so far, it's going okay. Poco a poco!

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