Friday, April 9, 2010

Next stop.. employment!

Yes, the heading is true.. I'm gainfully employed as of a day ago! Gainfully meaning I will now be working 6 hours a week, starting on Monday. But hey, it's a good start!

I met up with my friend Erin on Wednesday for coffee- I'd met her at DePaul in an Italian class and randomly she did the same TEFL program as me in Jan, so I've crossed paths with her a lot since I've been here. Well unfortunately she's heading back to Chicago next week, and had only just decided the morning we met for coffee. She asked me to take her English classes at this language academy, and of course, I said SI SI SI immediately! I met with the director of the language academy, Eva, who said they need someone from 5:30-7, Monday thru Thursday to teach a group of 5 year old boys and a group of 9 year old girls. I'm so excited!! It's only through the end of June, but she said they have loads and loads of positions in September, for full time work. Oi.

So, yay, 6 hours a week teaching English! I've been applying like crazy to some other places, but feel pretty good about it. Oh, and I've also started teaching my friend Stacy the basics of Spanish for 4 hours a week and she's lovely and paying me for it. Swell!

These past few days since I got back from London have been surprisingly busy, and I even managed to make time to hit up this club called Bikini which has fantastic hip hop on Wednesday nights. I went with about 7 other kids from my TEFL class and it was hysterical and amazing, although I stayed out later than I wanted and ended up getting home at 5 AM, whoops. Thus is the clubbing life in Barcelona! I can't handle it more than once a week, seriously.

This morning I went to Montjuic with my roommates Ana and Marcelo- Montjuic is where the MNAC museum of art is, and it's on this mountain where you can see all of Barcelona, its GORGEOUS. My head hurts from speaking nonstop Spanish the entire day, but it's been so wonderful. Marcelo brought one of his friends and they went rock climbing in this weird tunnel in Montjuic, where you can climb the walls inside and outside of the tunnel, I'm going to go with him next week to try it!

Ana and I meandered down the mountain, and I learned that Ana ( who is from Georgia and speaks Russian, German and Spanish) is married to our other roommate, Ariel, who I've only seen once! Ariel is from Argentina, and apparently so is my other roommate, Marcelo. Marcelo and Ariel met at university here since they're both studying engineering. Interesting! I really love this apartment. It's so international feeling, and Ana and I have decided to do an intercambio- she'll teach me German and I'll teach her English. Fun!! I feel so blessed to feel comfortable in this place, and to have these roommates. So far, so good!

My buddy Nate is coming from Zaragoza for the weekend, yay! We're going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow - turning 25 next week, yikes!

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