Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grammar Queen 2010

Taking a brief moment to update for the cheap seats in the back- today is basically the last day of my program, since tomorrow consists only of coming in to get our pictures taken with our ridiculously hard earned certificates, huzzah!!

This weekend was both exhausting/wicked fun, as my friend Peter and his bf Schuyler were visiting so i tried to see them as much as possible, aside from studying my face off for most of the weekend. I met up with them on Friday after they got back from hanging out in Andorra for a few days, and I had been in a frenzy all morning seeing 3 more apartments.
and finally.. I found a place!!! It was the last one I saw on Friday, and the one I was the least excited about, but as soon as I walked in, I loved the vibe of the place! The room is actually bigger than the shoebox I'm currently sleeping standing up in, and the kitchen is brand new so I'll love cooking in there. Marcelo, a Catalan guy showed me the place and another roommate Ana was there who is from Georgia the country. Apparently there is also a German girl, Sandra, and another Catalan guy, Ariel. It's very much reminisicent of L'Auberge Espagnole movie in which this french kid moves to Barcelona and lives in some crappy apt with people from places all around the world. I'm so so excited!! I ran right home and emailed them to let them know I was in, and they called me that night to tell me to move in whenever I want. Thursday!!!! yayayaya!! Plus, its way cheap, and includes everything and is between 2 major metro lines. Fabulous.

Friday night was chill, as Peter and I watched musicals and then met up with some of my friends for a drink in my favourite part of town, called Gracia. Saturday we met up with Schuyler's friend Bruno who's from Barcelona and he gallantly showed us the sights, and made dinner for us on Saturday night which was delicious and suprisingly, no ham was consumed! We hit up the club circuit which is always an experience, and stayed out until about 6 AM (my NYC friends should be so proud of me). The weekend was gorgeous weather, with bright blue skies and Saturday was about 68 F, so there were loads of people on the beach.

Yesterday was the horrific grammar test in which I spent Sunday with my friend Sari studying for 5 hours, instead of hanging out with my guests. Sad! But it paid off, as I found out yesterday that I actually got the highest grade in the class, a 97!! eeeee!! I was so incredibly stoked!

I also taught a class from scratch yesterday, which we could choose any topic but I had elementary students and needed it to be somewhat simple, so I chose Summer Activities in Chicago, and had the students do charades of playing volleyball and even wrote some fairly lame texts about summer activities, and had them do gap-fill exercises as well as discussion questions about their summer plans. It went so well!The first part of the class was taught by another classmate of mine, Gabe, who is from Oakland, CA and taught our elementary students about the Black Panthers, it was pretty much hysterical and they loved it.

Fun quote of the class: ¨We want to not make the war, we want to make the love¨- in reference to making their own Top Ten Demands, following Gabe´s presentation.

Oh, and I also randomly got my nose pierced on Saturday, which looks very suave and I'm in love with it!

Onwards to my last teaching of the course, yay!


  1. Nose pierce! Ah! I love reading your blog-it is challenging me in so many ways and you don't even know it.
    Miss your face!

  2. Nose Pierce - good for you. Now you need a tatoo!
